
Culture Audit

Businesses that are experiencing high staff turnover, high training costs for new employees, poor communication and reduced output may question whether the culture of the company is affecting productivity. In many circumstances, management find it difficult to adequately assess company culture without creating a perception of blame or wrongdoing amongst staff.

A Culture Audit is designed to delve into company culture and ultimately find ways to align management and staff towards the same goals. The key to assessing culture amongst staff is anonymity - as a third party I process the gathered data so that no individual staff member is identifiable, but the business still gets the benefit of the staff feedback.

Once the current culture has been established, you’ll receive a presentation on methods for aligning staff with the goals of the business, touching on the topics of communication, vision, values, performance drivers, and topics specifically related to the needs of the business.

Aligning management and staff benefits the business by increasing communication and engagement, and improving staff morale. Improved staff morale leads to greater employee retention, knowledge and skills retention, increased productivity and greater product quality.

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